
  • intervention duration: 30 minutes
  • number of sessions: 1-2 veces a month, then every 3 months
  • hospitalization method: outpatient
  • anesthesia: not necessary
  • postoperative rest: not necessary
  • return to social life: immediate

Vitamins to regenerate your hair

Stress, pollution and bad habits can weaken hair and often cause it to fall out.
Mesotherapy provides the scalp with the right amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Increasingly requested in modern cosmetology, this treatment responds to various problems related to hair health: it helps awaken dormant bulbs, supplies nourishment to the follicle by regulating the hair structure, stops hair loss and eliminates dandruff.

How does it work

Mesotherapy consists of an intradermal micro-injection of vitamins, minerals (Calcium, Iodine, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Iron, Potassium), agents linked to the keratin layer of the skin, amino acids and superficial expanders important for hair growth.

The composition and administration is agreed together with the doctor on the basis of the problem to be solved. The applications must be repeated regularly and allow the first results to be achieved after six weeks.

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