Bad habits and false beliefs lead un to believe that a diet is just a parenthesis of our life that makes us reach our goal in a completrly impersonal way.Often many diet regimes prove to be unsuccessful because they are not suitable for our body, they leave us with a feeling of hunger,or they are based on the concepts of renunciation and sacrifice. It is not uncommon for those who have difficulty losing weight to resort to bariatric surgery,an option of choice in cases of severe obesity.
It is always important that the slimming process be accompanied by a real food re-education,eich teaches us to understand wich foods are friends of our body and know the doses that help us feel good.
The Allurion program is based on the concept,the mos innovative and least invasive solution to finally lose weight by learning how to balance your meals.
Without restoring to surgery,the gastric ballon is a safe and non-permanent solution that contributes to an average of 10-15% of body weight in just 16 weeks.
Drinking a glass of woter favors the elimination of toxins and all substances that our body does not need.But did you know that it can also help you lose weight? This is how a food re-education phase begins that will get you results.
After an initial consultation with one of our allurion-certified physicians, you will be able to swallow a capsule that contains the intragastric balloon.Once it reach the stomac, this capsule inflats, taking on the shape of a balloon thanks to a thin tube that allows the doctor to insert water. The catheter is removed after verifying by radiography that the balloon is in the right position.It is the ‘’presence’’ that generates a feeling of satiety that helps control huger.
Being a non-surgical gastric restriction, the procedure does not require hospitalization or sedation and does not lead to contraindications or undersirable effects.
If the constant feeling of hunger-combined with poor results-is usually a problem that characterizes convetional diets,the gastric ballon slimming program will allow you to feel full by eating less.
And then what happens? After about 16 weeks the ballon deflates naturally and is expelles through the digestive tract. In the meantime, our support team will be by your side to help you to manage your new approach to food and maintain it even after the jurney has been completed.