face Lift

- intervention duration: about 2 hours
- hospitalization method: 1 day
- anesthesia: total / local
- postoperative rest: 4-5 days
- return to social life: 2 weeks
- return to sport activity: 4 weeks
A second youth for the face
Having a face that is always fresh and relaxed, immune to the passage of time is the dream of many. With the lifting it is possible to eliminate the signs of sagging skin such as folds and wrinkles and regain a tonic appearance without changing the physiognomy of the face and neck. The facelift, one of the most well-known interventions in the field of cosmetic surgery, has - literally - the objective of "relieving" and relaxing the area to be treated thanks to the removal of excess skin and the repositioning of the underlying muscle layer.
The result, as well as lasting and stable over time, is natural and does not alter the facial harmony, as it does not require the insertion of prosthetic materials or fillers.
The lifting procedure can affect the entire face or be broken down into several interventions for the respective micro-areas that present blemishes (upper face, middle face, angle-mandibular area and neck). In this case it is possible to proceed with mini-facelifts affecting the forehead, the relaxed eyebrow arch, the sagging neck or the rather marked skin folds.
The rejuvenation effect is often enhanced by associating the intervention with other surgical treatments such as rhinoplasty or blepharoplasty, with a view to rejuvenating the face.